Rolled Hems: Time to Get Out the Serger!


No need to create tedious narrow hems on yards of ruffles when you can use a serger to hem ruffles with three-thread rolled hems.

What is Serging & What is a Serger, Made Simple

Baby Lock - Top 5 Reasons You Should Have a Serger

3 Ways to Sew a Rolled Hem Megan Nielsen Patterns Blog

How to Sew A Rolled Hem on the AirThread 2000D

Rolled Hems: Time to Get Out the Serger!

Overlocker / Serger Rolled Hem

Create Kids Couture: Serging 101: How to Finish a Rolled Hem

Rolled Hems: Time to Get Out the Serger!

How To Sew A Rolled Hem Finish By Hand And By Machine (Sheer Fabric) - Doina Alexei

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